Ankle & Foot
At Apex Physical Therapy & Wellness, we understand the impact a foot or ankle injury can limit your ability to function daily. Physical therapy helps regain the range of motion lost after the injury along with strengthening the muscles, reducing pain and increasing total function. The chance of reinjuring the ankle or foot can be reduced with the appropriate physicl therapy after the initial incident.
Possible reasons for ankle pain:
Sprained ankle
Bruised ankle
Achilles tendon rupture
Stress fracture in the ankle
Rheumatoid arthritis
Tendinitis Degenerative tendon
Possible reasons for foot pain:
Plantar fasciitis
Toe sprain
Bone spurs
Avulsion fracture
Stress fractures in the foot
To ensure that your ankle or foot has the best chance of a solid recovery, call Apex Physical Therapy & Wellness to book an appointment.